My Journey Abroad; I’m Having Trouble…
Are you really interested in what I am learning? Do you want to know about 10 best places in a city? How to make friends in a new country? I am having trouble trying to paint the perfect picture of […]
Love From The Road Less Traveled
Are you really interested in what I am learning? Do you want to know about 10 best places in a city? How to make friends in a new country? I am having trouble trying to paint the perfect picture of […]
“Basque country is strikingly different than the rest of Spain. “ -Nabila When people ask me “How is Spain” I hesitate with my response because I live in San Sebastian-Donostia located in northern Spain aka “Basque Country.” In my opinion, Basque […]
As of today, I have been away from Chattanooga, TN two months, outside the U.S. for 7 weeks, and completed my first work exchange in Portugal! The saying never gets old: